May 22, 2017
On Tuesday we had another District Meeting, and I talked about getting outside of saying the same exact things while talking to new people. The reason for this is that the typical conversation with someone and the missionaries goes like this: Missionaries: How's it going ma'am/sir? Person: Just fine. Missionaries: That's good. Can we give you a card of Jesus Christ? Person: Sure. Missionaries: So we are just missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and we share a message about Jesus Christ. Do you yourself have a faith in Christ? Person: Oh yes of course I'm a Christian. I go to Central Baptist, so I already know about Christ and everything. Then the missionaries usually try to briefly explain The Book of Mormon or The Restoration. I said that each child of God deserves to hear the Restored Gospel in a unique way that speaks to them personally and applies to their life and circumstances. We can't be missionary robots, we have to be people, where is the love in simply regurgitating the same lines to every single person?
After District Meeting we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I was with Elder Stiles-Culver. He had a ton of back pain and could barely stand up, so I stayed with him in their apartment all day. Even though it was sad to think of all the work that wasn't getting done, I think I needed that day off. I literally slept all day. Sleep deprivation is without a doubt the biggest struggle on the mission. I think the reason RMs look so much older is because they age ten years in the span of two years from a lack of sleep. Elder Jorgensen and I have made it a goal to get to bed earlier than 10:30.
Thursday I got to conduct my very first baptismal interview with the Sister’s investigator D. He is 13 years old and reminds me a lot of me when I was that age, except he is definitely a much better kid than I was. He likes basketball too, so I have been able to connect with him through that because I play with him on Thursday nights at the church. Right after that I interviewed the other Elder's investigator Z. He is 18 and also graduated last year. He is super awesome and so golden. When I asked him if he believed in the The Restoration he said: "Yeah, 100%." He's so solid.
Not going to lie, this week was tough. I definitely felt a drop in my fire. The adversary is really coming at me right now because he knows we are about to baptize like crazy. The best way to punch Satan in the mouth is open my mouth and preach the Gospel, this week Satan doesn't stand a chance, because the Lord is on my side. The Church is true, the Book is blue, SATAN WATCH OUT I'M COMING FOR YOU!
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